Monday, November 19, 2012

Credit Union ONE Garners Walk Awards

Judi Desilets, Credit Union ONE Director of Public Relations
and John Kozich Executive Director of Community Relations
receive their awards for the 2012 Step Out Walk for Diabetes
Ferndale, Michigan – For the second year, Credit Union ONE has participated in the Step Out Walk for Diabetes , but this year they really increased their efforts.

At an awards ceremony on November 7th the credit union was recognized for their outstanding efforts for the walk.

Having 165 walkers from the Credit Union ONE team earned them the 2012 Largest Team Award, and because of their sponsorship and team donations they received an award for 2012 Top Ten Corporate Team.

“We are so appreciative of these awards, they are a true testament to the efforts of our walkers, said Judi Desilets, Director of Public Relations for Credit Union ONE. The commitment by our entire organization was evident as we joined the community to help fight such a dreadful disease.”

Credit Union ONE, headquartered in Ferndale Michigan for over seventy years, offers a wide array of financial services and access to over 28,000 ATM’s nationwide, serving 106,000 members, with eighteen offices in three major metropolitan areas, including Metro Detroit, Grand Rapids and Traverse City. For more information go to or "like us" on Facebook

Contact Judi Desilets, Director of Public Relations for Credit Union ONE, 248-584-5224,